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Open data

Open materials

Review decision

 Your PRO-I review

Dear Editor,

I am writing regarding my review of the manuscript XXX.

As a signatory of the Peer Reviewers’ Openness Initiative (PRO-I;, I have committed to only provide comprehensive manuscript reviews when authors make data and research materials publicly available, or justify in the manuscript why this is not possible. This is because I believe that openness and transparency are core values of science, and minimal quality requirements of a scientific manuscript. I have evaluated whether this manuscript meets the open standards defined by PRO-I and include a report of my findings below.

In brief, I have found that the manuscript does not meet the PRO-I criteria and I will not be proceeding with a comprehensive review for the time being. I would be happy to review a revision of the manuscript that meets the criteria indicated in my report below, or provides a public justification in the manuscript as to why this is not possible. Please could you forward my request to the authors? Authors wishing to improve the openness and transparency of their work can find detailed practical resources on the PRO-I website (

In brief, I pleased to say that this paper meets the PRO-I criteria, and my comprehensive review follows the PRO-I report.

PRO-I Report

When the manuscript meets a standard, I have indicated this with a '✓' symbol. If the manuscript does not meet a standard, or when it was not possible to ascertain whether a standard has been met, this is indicated with a 'x' symbol. Finally, if the authors have provided an explanation as to why adherence to open standards was not possible in this case, this is indicated with an 'R' symbol.

  • ?  Data publicly available online via a reliable third party.
  • ?  All data needed for evaluation and reproduction of the research available.
  • ?  Sufficient documentation provided to understand the data.
  • ?  Research materials publicly available online via a reliable third party.
  • ?  All materials needed for evaluation and reproduction of the research available.
  • ?  Sufficient documentation is provided to understand the materials.

 Review follow up

Please note that you should only fill in this form after the review process has concluded, or a sufficient period of time has elapsed without the journal responding to your PRO-I review.

Journal response

Author response

Revised manuscript

Below is a summary of your initial PRO-I review and the revised manuscript.

Original manuscript

  • ?  Data publicly available online via a reliable third party.
  • ?  All data needed for evaluation and reproduction of the research available.
  • ?  Sufficient documentation provided to understand the data.
  • ?  Research materials publicly available online via a reliable third party.
  • ?  All materials needed for evaluation and reproduction of the research available.
  • ?  Sufficient documentation is provided to understand the materials.

Revised manuscript

  • ?  Data publicly available online via a reliable third party.
  • ?  All data needed for evaluation and reproduction of the research available.
  • ?  Sufficient documentation provided to understand the data.
  • ?  Research materials publicly available online via a reliable third party.
  • ?  All materials needed for evaluation and reproduction of the research available.
  • ?  Sufficient documentation is provided to understand the materials.

Please respond to the following questions in reference to the revised manuscript.

Open data
Open materials
Final outcome

Whoops! Your review is not yet complete.

Please check the following items:

 Reviews awaiting follow up

 Review archive

The Peer Reviewers' Openness Initiative

Reviewing App

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Signatories of the Peer Reviewers' Openness Initiative (PRO-I) believe that openness and transparency are core values of science.

PRO-I aims to incentivize open research practices through the peer review process.

Signatories have committed to withhold comprehensive peer review for any manuscript that does not meet minimum open standards.

The PRO-I Reviewing App has been designed with two goals in mind:

Help PRO-I signatories to rapidly and efficiently build manuscript reviews.

Collect data for a meta-science project evaluating the impact of PRO-I.

How it works

1. Create an account

Set up your PRO-I account and consent to contribute data to our meta-science project.

2. Build reviews

Rapidly and efficiently build your PRO-I reviews using our interactive checklist.

3. Submit reviews

A plain-text review is automatically generated for you which you can copy and paste into your e-mail to the action editor.

4. Follow up reviews

Come back and let us know how editors and authors respond to your reviews. This information will help us to evaluate PRO-I and identify areas in which authors may need help adopting transparent research practices.

5. Check in with the PRO-I community

See how your PRO-I colleagues are getting on by consulting the live data feeds on our meta page.